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Showcasing SAP B1 at MSME Expo

Showcasing SAP B1 at MSME Expo


Quantum Leap showcased SAP B1 , the Bharat ERP specifically designed for the Small and Medium Size Industries at the recently held two day MSME Expo and vendor Meet in Bangalore

The event under the leadership of Mr.Sudhakara, Director MSME and coordinated by Mr.Gopinath Rao, Dy.Director MSME was well organised with participation from several Public Sector Companies along with Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

The Public Procurement Policy of the Central Government was the main theme of the event which mandates PSUs to source 20% of their Purchase from MSMEs

 The Officials of MSME were all ears to the benefits of SAP B1 and appreciative of Quantum Leap's approach in Implementing & Training.

We are in for a successful Partnership for Growing India Together

 Over the Two Days, several PSUs and other Industries visited the stalls and showed interest. Representatives from PSUs gave a detailed explanation of how to register with them as vendors and participate in Bidding.

Quantum Leap will be working closely with MSMEs in enabling them to become competitive through our Structured, yet Simple approach in deploying Business Strategies using data and resources intelligently and efficiently


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